If you would like to save money with your credit cards, this guideline will help you about that. We are going to provide some credit card suggestions that will make you spend less. We hope, you will find it useful.
SunTrust Bank Cash Rewards Credit Card
SunTrust Bank Cash Rewards Card is providing many useful benefits to you. There is no APR for 15 months with the card. You will receive unlimited 2x cash back for gas and grocery purchases. For first $6000 worth purchases for gas and grocery, you will receive 5x rewards. Besides there is no annual fee and no foreign transaction fees with the card.
Citizens Trust Bank Visa Prestige Elite Credit Card
Citizens Trust Bank is a regional bank of United States but it is providing very good cards for consumers. This card will help you to save lots of money. The downside of the card is that it won’t provide any rewards to you. Interest rate of the card is 9.25%. There is no foreign transaction fee, annual fee of the card. Cash advance fee is only $1.5 and there is no balance transfer fee of the card.
Wells Fargo Propel American Express Card
The card is not help you much with APR rates but there are many other benefits of the card. It also depends on your purchases. However it is one of the best credit cards of the United States at the moment. There is 12 months introductory period for balance transfer and purchase APR. You will not pay any interest rates for the card for 12 months. Rewards rates are excellent and rewards points will be easily redeemed. There is also no annual fee for the card.
Wells Fargo Propel American Express Card
American Express Blue Cash Everyday Card
American Express Blue Cash Everyday Card is providing 3% cash back for super market purchases and it is unlimited. 2% cash back on gas purchases. For your first $1000 purchases, you are going to receive $200 cash back with your card. There is no annual fee of the card and there is 15 months introductory for Purchase and Balance Transfer in 2019.
American Express Blue Cash Everyday Card
American Express Gold Card
American Express Gold Card is a very good card that will help you to save from restaurants and supermarket purchases. Since these are daily purchases, that will bring many benefits to you. There is also no foreign transaction fee for the card. You will receive 50000 rewards points from Amex as a sign up bonus.
Originally posted 2019-07-23 00:43:47.