Citizens Bank Clear Value Mastercard

Citizens Bank Clear Value Mastercard

Citizens Bank Clear Value Mastercard


Annual Fee














APR (Interest Rate)


Customer Support



  • Good online customer support when you apply to cards.
  • Low interest rates.
  • There are some good travelling opportunities.
  • 3% cash advance fee is really good.
  • You don't have to pay annual fee.
  • 0% APR for 18 months is very good opportunity.


  • There are not much promotions and services with the card.
  • You can't earn rewards points for your purchases.
  • You can't earn cash back rewards.
  • There is no any bonus of the card.
  • You will need to pay for foreign transactions.

Citizens Bank Clear Value Mastercard Review

Citizens Bank Clear Value Mastercard has low APR rates without bonuses, rewards, and cashback rewards. However, you are not going to pay APR for 18 months. There is not any annual fee. 3% rate for balance transfers and %3 rate for cash advance fee is very good. If you don’t want to pay much for interest rates, this card will be very suitable for you.

Downsides of the card foreign transaction fee (3% rate is still good though) and it is without rewards at all. You can see some user reviews, all rates, and editor scores of the card below.

  Best Credit Cards in India 

Rates & Fees

Interest Rate (APR) Rewards ($1) Annual Fee FTF(*) Late Payment Fee Cash Advance Fee Cash Advance APR Balance Transfer Fee Balance Transfer APR
0% for 18 months


14.49%, 18.49% or 22.49%

None None 3% $38 $10 or 3% 24.49% $10 or 3% 0% APR for first 18 months


14.49%, 18.49% or 22.49%

FTF: Foreign Transaction Fee

Editor Scores

Type of Card Editor Score Overall Score Total Cards
General 223 200 100
Zero Interest 222 180 43
No Annual 137 166 60
Balance Transfer 270 226 50
Low Interest 190 173 24

You can read some users reviews of this card below.

Similar Credit Cards

Originally posted 2018-12-16 17:20:40.


  1. Citizens bank credit cards have the worst communication options in the credit card business. And they have no communication option besides telephone. Calls can have wait times of up to 30-45 minutes. No secure message option, no chat option.

    Many tasks such as removing authorized users can be frustrating. Call to remove an authorized user and they will tell you it can take 24 hours, 1 to 3 business days, or 5-10 business days. I have seen it take more than a month for an authorized user to be removed. Supposedly, the rep you speak with cannot do the task and sometimes they send it on to the department that does remove users, and sometimes they don’t. No other bank takes soooo long to do this simple task. Repeat calls are often necessary.

    They recently did a website update, which is laid out like a jigsaw puzzle. Menus on the left bring you to places where you then see menus on the right where you can hopefully find what you are looking for. It’s like playing hide and seek. Look over here, then over there, and then just give up. FAQs? Nearly useless. Want to change a due date? Cannot do that online. Want to get a credit limit increase? Cannot do that online. Want to remove and authorized user? Cannot do that online. Oh, and you cannot make an online payment on the same day as the day you setup as the autopay date. You have to call to have the extra payment entered. Crazy? Yes, but that is how Citizens operates.

    If you are nostalgic for the phone call days of the 1990s, then Citizens is your card. If you are looking for convenience, reliable agent information, and a simple web experience, you can do much better almost anywere else.

    So if you are looking for customer support that brings back those nostalgic 1990s, then this is your card. Never again will I get another of their cards.


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