Home Columns FNBO is the Best United States Bank in Public Relations

FNBO is the Best United States Bank in Public Relations

FNBO is the Best United States Bank in Public Relations

When I decided to write for Credits Cards Center, I have never thought that I am going to write something like this. However thanks to First National Bank of Omaha, they were quite inspirational to me. They took my attention with their social media account on Twitter. I just want to mention about the opportunities of the bank and I want to show you a good example that how should a bank be social in real life. Just not in Twitter and Facebook… It doesn’t matter if you are a consumer or a business or a non-profit, we certainly recommend you to follow @FNBOmaha on Twitter. Be an eyewitness of their success on public relations. I believe FNB’s public relations should be investigated academically because their agenda is really well-balanced and very attractive. Other banks have so much to learn from FNBO. We, Credit Cards Center family congratulate Kevin Langin, Public Relations director of First National Bank. We also congratulate those who are working for social media and public relations of the bank.


Why FNBO is the Best in Public Relations

We are following almost all banks of USA through social media and we try collect information from them to get recent news about cards. We have seen that almost everyday FNBO is doing something nice just for good of the people and non-profits.

Let’s see some of those…

A proof that we are not lying…


I don’t how do you think about all of these… You can see more at Bank’s website and also Twitter account. As a consumer it makes me glad to see such social activities from a bank. It is not something I used to see almost everyday from a bank. However I see something surprising everyday from FNBO. I believe such social activities and promotions enhance the trustworthiness of the bank.

We wish the best luck for the bank and we will go on to watch them admiringly!

Originally posted 2019-01-26 04:20:11.


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