Home Questions and Answers How are rates of Bank of Brewton (Alabama) Credit Cards?

How are rates of Bank of Brewton (Alabama) Credit Cards?


Anyone know rates of Bank of Brewton credit cards? It says it is the lowest in the official website. Is there any way to apply those cards online without going branch?

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Hello Viola Ramos,

Welcome to our community and thank you for the question. Bank of Brewton is a local bank of Alabama. We have investigated that some local banks can offer really low interest rate credit cards for consumers. These cards can be more profitable than most of those popular cards at times. However you will need to contact a bank staff first for that.

There is no only application for Bank of Brewton credit cards. You will need to visit one of branches of the bank in Alabama for that. Current bank statement about rates is just only about cash advance fees. They told that it is 5%. We believe that this is high a little bit. However if purchase, cash advance and balance transfer interest rates are low, you can consider about this card.

You can take a look at here to see bank’s telephone numbers and addresses of branches: https://bankofbrewton.com/locations-and-hours/

Originally posted 2020-11-16 17:35:40.


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