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How to Apply Wells Fargo Credit Cards?

If you would like to get a Wells Fargo credit card product, this guideline is going to help you about how to apply it. If you have any questions regarding to applications, you can feel free to ask us through commenting this page.

Ways of Apply Wells Fargo Credit Cards

  • Wells Fargo branches.
  • Online banking and mobile banking.
  • Wells Fargo website.
  • Telephone banking.

You can apply Wells Fargo credit cards through those ways. We are going to tell you how to do that for each fact that we counted above for you.

Apply Through Wells Fargo Branches

If you can visit Wells Fargo branches, you can apply for credit cards and any other loan products with the help of a Wells Fargo banker. You will need to find the closest branch to you for that. Wells Fargo locator system is going to help you about that. You can use the locator with the visiting the related page of the official website: https://www.wellsfargo.com/locator/

When you visit the bank, you will need to find a representative who is working for personal banking products. He/she is going to help you about your application. You can even find the right credit card for yourself with the help of them.

Online Banking and Mobile Banking Application

You can also apply to the credit cards through internet banking system. You will able to see all credit cards to apply before the application. Before you apply those cards on your own, please ensure that your credit score is good enough to get them. You can sign into your online banking account through here: https://connect.secure.wellsfargo.com/auth/login/present

If you don’t own a mobile banking app, you can have it for your iPhone and Android devices.

Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wf.wellsfargomobile&hl=en_US

iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wells-fargo-mobile/id311548709

Official Website Application

You can also apply Wells Fargo credit cards without signing up nor getting account from Wells Fargo internet banking. There is a good option on the official website of the company for applying cards. You will need to visit here: https://www.wellsfargo.com/credit-cards/. Select a credit card and apply for the best option for your credit score.

Telephone Banking Application

Whether being customer of bank or not, you can still apply Wells Fargo credit cards through Telephone Banking. You can call the following number for applying a Wells Fargo card:

What is the Best Wells Fargo Credit Card to Apply?

There is not a best credit but there is a good credit score. If you have a good credit score, you can always get better cards. We have introduced some Wells Fargo cards for you in CreditCardKarma for you. You can check some of cards that we like.


Originally posted 2019-07-22 19:12:45.

SKYPASS Visa Signature Card



Unlike the select card of the company, SKYPASS Visa Signature Card is providing less bonus miles to you and there is not also extra bonuses and there are less benefits. If you would like to learn more about the card, you can read our review related with the card below. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Get 30000 Bonus After Spending $3000 and Ger 2000 Every Year

You will able to get 30000 bonus miles when you spend $3000 with your card. However you have the limited time to do that. You will need to spend this amount in 3 months. Otherwise you will lose the opportunity. When you renew your card, you will receive 2000 bonus miles automatically.

Korean Air Benefits

You will able to get some Korean Air benefits with this card too. When you purchase ticket from Korean Air, you will receive $50 coupon for one time. You will also get 2 Korean Airlines Lounge coupons with the card and you will receive club membership.

Get 2x Miles with Your Card

You will receive 2x miles when you purchase from the Korean Air, Gas Stations and Hotels. You will receive 1x miles for the rest.

No Foreign Transactions

You won’t need to spend extra for foreign transactions with your card which is very useful for those who are going abroad and for those who are spending at foreign markets of the world.

SKYPASS Visa Signature Card Rates & Fees

Interest Rate (APR) Rewards ($1) Annual Fee FTF(*) Cash Advance Fee Cash Advance APR Balance Transfer Fee Balance Transfer APR
15.24% to 22.24% 2x miles when you purchase from Korean Air, Gas Stations and Hotels.

1x bonus points for other purchase categories.

30000 bonus miles when you spend $3000 in first 3 months.

2000 bonus miles annually.

$95 None $5 or 4% 26.24% $5 – 3% 15.24% to 22.24%

FTF: Foreign Transaction Fee

Editor Scores for SKYPASS Visa Signature Card

Type of Card Editor Score Overall Score Total Cards
General 172 200 100
Sign-Up Bonus 177 199 44
Rewards 166 189 64
Flight 175 189 9

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Originally posted 2019-07-22 13:35:57.

SKYPASS Select Visa Signature


SKYPASS Select Visa Signature is a card which is providing many beneficial offers to consumers if you are using the Korean Air. You will be eligible to get this card if you have the membership from the company. You can read a review for this card on here.

$200 Annual Travel Credit

After you get the card, every year you are going to get $200 travel credit into your account. This is a good benefit for those who wants to have a membership from the Korean air. There will be also extra bonuses too.

Get Bonus Miles Up to 40000 First Year

As same as many other flight credit cards, you will able to receive bonus miles through these cards too. If you would like to get those bonus, there are some requirements though. You will need to spend $3000 to earn 30000 bonus miles. You will need to spend $3000 in first 3 months. Otherwise you are going to miss this opportunity. If you would like to get another 10000 bonus miles, you will need to spend $35000 in a year.

Korean Air Opportunities

You will receive $100 worth coupon from Korean air and it will be very good opportunity for you. This coupons are limited with one time in a year though. You will able to receive 2 Korean Airlines Lounge coupons with the card. You will also get the Morning Calm Club Membership after you receive your card.

2x & 1x Bonus Miles for Your Spends

You are going to receive 2 miles for your every $1 purchases from Korean Air with the card. You will also receive 2 miles for your airline tickets, car rentals, hotels expenditures.

You can apply this bank through U.S. Bank.

SKYPASS Select Visa Signature Rates & Fees

Interest Rate (APR) Rewards ($1) Annual Fee FTF(*) Cash Advance Fee Cash Advance APR Balance Transfer Fee Balance Transfer APR
15.24% to 22.24% 2x bonus points when you purchase from Korean Airlines

1x bonus points for other purchases.

$200 Travel credit every year.

30000 bonus when you spend $3000 first 3 months.

10000 bonus miles when you spend $35000 first 12 months

$450 None $5 or 4% 26.24% $5 – 3% 15.24% to 25.24%

FTF: Foreign Transaction Fee

Editor Scores for SKYPASS Select Visa Signature

Type of Card Editor Score Overall Score Total Cards
General 178 200 100
Sign-Up Bonus 200 199 44
Rewards 178 189 64
Flight 188 189 9

Similar Credit Cards

Originally posted 2019-07-22 13:18:42.

Name Change of BBVA Compass in the United States

BBVA has stated that they have changed their names and logos in the United States recently. The bank has also stated that they want to be a global bank of the world and they want to serve their consumers through only one bank name. The name change incident didn’t only occur in United States, this also took place in Argentina, Peru and Mexico. Additionally BBVA improved their shares in a popular Turkish bank and became the partner of a bank which is called as Garanti Bankası in Turkey. The bank name changed to Garanti BBVA.

What is BBVA Compass name in United States at the moment?

There is not much change in the company’s name. It changed to BBVA only. The company has only removed BBVA name from the company name. The bank will be known with that name at the moment.

What does BBVA mean?

BBVA is actually the shorten name of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria. Banco Bilbao Vizcaya was the first name of the bank for ages ago. Sometime later Argentaria merged into the Banco Bilbao Vizcaya and the bank started to called with shorten name with BBVA.

Name change will effect credit cards or debit cards?

The name change of BBVA compass will not effect credit cards or debit cards at all since the company didn’t change any policy for baking and credit products at all. This is only an institutive change. There is not any change on interest rates, loans, mortgages, credit cards or debit cards at the moment.

You can see some of those BBVA credit cards on our pages:

You can get more information on those credit cards in our pages.

Since the name changes took place, BBVA also changed the logo of the company in United States too.

Originally posted 2019-06-20 19:32:30.

BBVA Partners a Turkish Bank: Garanti

BBVA has announced that they have partners a Turkish Bank, Garanti recently. BBVA is one of the largest banks of Spain and Mexico. The bank is already located in United States of America too. The bank is founded in 1857 with Banco Bilbao Vizcaya. Then they are marged with Argentaria, the bank started to be called as BBVA shortly.

BBVA was already own 25% of Garanti Shares

BBVA was already 25% own Garanti shares with their purchase in 2010. They have purchased 25% shares with 5,8 billion dollars. The bank decided to purchase 15% shares more of Garanti recently. Now BBVA owns 40% of Garanti.

Name Change in the Garanti

After the purchase of 15%, Turkish bank decided to change the name of the company. The bank was known as “Garanti Bankası”. Now it changed name to “Garanti BBVA” at the moment.

The bank already made new advertisements with the new name of the company. Garanti Bankası was known with that name for 63 years. This is somewhat made consumers to have little shock for a little time. However with the new advertisement policy, it seems they all are getting used to the new name of the bank.

BBVA has many branches in Europe and Pasific. They are already very active at Spanish speaking countries. Especially Spain and Latin American countries. It seems BBVA will make new investments on other countries too. Especially their investments on Belgium, France, USA, Germany and Australia has shown that, they want to be larger global company of the world.

BBVA already changes the name in many countries and also in USA

Since being a global company is BBVA’s new policy of the company, they have changed their names in many countries. With a new logo design of BBVA, they have discontinued their names in Argentina, Mexico, Peru and United States. BBVA also announced that they will change their names to Garanti BBVA in Turkey too.

Originally posted 2019-06-20 15:52:41.

LATAM Visa Card



LATAM Visa Card is another credit card of flight company LATAM. We have introduced the signature card for you recently. You can check that card if you would like to have better rewards and opportunities from LATAM. This card has limited rewards opportunities when we compare it with signature. You are going to receive less bonus points, less annual rewards and also less cardmembership rewards with LATAM Visa Card. However you will pay less for annual fee. We are going to give more information about this card for you below. You will able to read our review and you will also write your review for the card.

Earn 1x Rewards Points for Every Eligible Purchases

You will receive 1x rewards points for every eligible purchases with the card. You can gain more rewards points when you purchase from LATAM. You will get double rewards points when you purchase from LATAM. Besides you can earn 25% more if you have the card membership. See more about the LATAM cardmembership.

Earn 15000 Bonus Points After the First Purchase

No matter how much you will purchase with your new card, you will receive 15000 bonus points from LATAM Visa Card. All you need to do is purchasing with your card to receive the bonus.

Earn 2000 Bonus Points Every Year

When you renew the credit card, you will able to receive 2000 bonus points every year. All you need to do is paying the annual fee. LATAM Visa Card’s annual fee is only $45.

LATAM Visa Card Rates & Fees

Interest Rate (APR) Rewards ($1) Annual Fee FTF(*) Cash Advance Fee Cash Advance APR Balance Transfer Fee Balance Transfer APR
15.24% to 25.24% 2x bonus points when you purchase flight tickets from LATAM.

1x bonus points for any other purchases.

25% more bonus points if you have LATAM card membership.

15000 bonus points after your first purchases.

2000 bonus points annually.

$45 2% $10 or 4% 26.24% $5 – 3% 15.24% to 25.24%

FTF: Foreign Transaction Fee

Editor Scores for LATAM Visa Card

Type of Card Editor Score Overall Score Total Cards
General 175 200 100
Sign-Up Bonus 180 199 44
Rewards 182 189 64
Flight 184 189 9

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Originally posted 2019-06-06 14:47:12.

LATAM Visa Signature



LATAM Visa Signature is a credit card which you can use for flight purposes. If you are regular customer of LATAM, you are going to like this card. There are several bonuses, bonus points and advantages of the card. The card can be quite beneficial for you if you are a customer of the company.

Recieve 2x Points for Every Purchases from LATAM, Reveive 1x Bonus Points from the Rest

If you purchase flight tickets from LATAM, you are going to receive 2x bonus points from the card. You will receive 1x bonus for the rest of purchase categories. This will help you to earn more points with the card.

Earn 20000 Bonus Points After Your First Purchase

You are going to earn 20000 bonus points after your first purchase with the card. It doesn’t matter how much you purchased with your card to earn this bonus points. It is a good amount of bonus rewards without high expectation.

4000 Bonus Points Every Year

You will receive 4000 bonus points every year with your credit card. You will need to pay your annual fee the receive these bonus points.

Introduction Annual Fee For the First Year

You are not going to pay annual fee for the first year and then you will start to pay $75 for the card every year. This will be a good advantage for 20.000 bonus points in the first year.

20% Discount for the First Purchase from LATAM

You are going to receive 20% discount for your first purchase from LATAM. This discount is limited with $1000. This is valid if you are cardmember of LATAM. You can use this benefit one time for every year.

Receive 25% Bonus Points from LATAM Flights

This feature is also valid for cardmembers of LATAM. You are going to get 25% more bonus points for your purchases from LATAM. So this will help you to earn more with your card.

What is LATAM Cardmembership?

You can apply for card membership to LATAM and earn some benefits from your LATAM credit cards. You can see some of those benefits above. You will need to spend $15000 minimum per year to have card membership.

LATAM Visa Signature Card Rates & Fees

Interest Rate (APR) Rewards ($1) Annual Fee FTF(*) Cash Advance Fee Cash Advance APR Balance Transfer Fee Balance Transfer APR
15.24% to 25.24% 2x bonus points when you purchase flight tickets from LATAM.

1x bonus points for any other purchases.

25% more bonus points if you have LATAM card membership.

20000 bonus points after your first purchases.

4000 bonus points annually.

$0 for first year.

Regular: $75

2% $10 or 4% 26.24% $5 – 3% 15.24% to 25.24%

FTF: Foreign Transaction Fee

Editor Scores for LATAM Visa Signature

Type of Card Editor Score Overall Score Total Cards
General 198 200 100
Sign-Up Bonus 200 199 44
Rewards 196 189 64
Flight 204 189 9

Similar Credit Cards

Originally posted 2019-06-03 15:13:37.

Aeromexico Visa Card


Aeromexico Visa Card is another credit card of flight company Aeromexico. We have also introduced Visa Signature card of the same company recently in our pages. this card is offering good opportunities to consumers. If you are already a regular costumer of Aeromexico, this card can be quite beneficial for you. You can read features of the card below. We are going to review features of the card for you. If you are already the costumer of the card, you can write a review for Aeromexico Visa Card. We will be glad to hear your opinions about the card. This will be also helpful for other consumers too.

Get 10000 Miles After You Made the First Purchase, Get 2000 Miles Every Year

As long as you have this card, you will keep getting bonus miles. After you receive the card, you are going to get 10000 miles bonus with your first purchase. This is good that there is no purchase limit on that. All you need to do is purchasing something with your card to receive 10000 miles point.

You will also receive annual miles points with your card. Whenever you pay the annual fee, you are going to get 2000 miles every year.

Low Annual Fee Opportunity

You are not going to pay much for annual fee with the card. The annual fee is only $45. This is a good opportunity for such a card. Generally flight companies are asking more for annual fees.

2x & 1x Miles Points for Your Purchases

You are going to get 2x miles points and 1x miles points for your purchases with Aeromexico Visa Card. You can receive 2x miles via purchasing tickets from Aeromexico. Additionally you can also receive 2x miles from grocery stores too. 1x miles for all other purchase categories.

Aeromexico Visa Signature Card Rates & Fees

Interest Rate (APR) Rewards ($1) Annual Fee FTF(*) Cash Advance Fee Cash Advance APR Balance Transfer Fee Balance Transfer APR
15.24% to 25.24% 2x miles when you purchase tickets from Aeromexico. 2x miles from Grocery purchases too.

1x miles for the rest of purchases.

2000 miles annually when you pay the annual fee.

10000 miles bonus when you make the first purchase.

$45 2% $10 or 4% 26.24% $5 – 3% 15.24% to 25.24%

FTF: Foreign Transaction Fee

Editor Scores for Aeromexico Visa Signature Card

Type of Card Editor Score Overall Score Total Cards
General 190 200 100
Sign-Up Bonus 193 199 44
Rewards 180 189 64
Flight 195 189 9

Similar Credit Cards

Originally posted 2019-05-26 20:27:15.

Aeromexico Visa Signature Card


Aeromexico Visa Signature Card is a flight credit card which you can apply through U.S. Bank. If you are consumer of Aeromexico, the card is going to provide many benefits to you. We will mention about rates, fees, rewards and bonuses of the card at our review below. You will able to get more information about Aeromexico Visa Signature Card with the help of our reviews. You can also write a comment and ask your questions in the comment section. Additionally you will able to ask any questions related with our review and also write a review for Aeromexico Visa Signature Card.

Use the Card and Earn 15000 Miles

After you received your card, you are going to have 15000 miles in your account when you made the first purchase. You will receive 4000 bonus every year. You will need to use the card for the first 15000 miles bonus and then you will earn 4000 bonus everytime when you pay the annual fee of the card.

Earn 2x Miles with Ticket Purchases from Aeromexico

You can earn 2x miles with ticket purchases from Aeromexico. You are going to get double miles from Grocery purchases too. You will receive 1 miles from the rest of purchase categories.

4th Ticket is Free

When you purchase 3 ticket from Aeromexico, the fourth ticket is going to be free for you and you are not going to pay for it.

Aeromexico Visa Signature Card Rates & Fees

Interest Rate (APR) Rewards ($1) Annual Fee FTF(*) Cash Advance Fee Cash Advance APR Balance Transfer Fee Balance Transfer APR
15.24% to 25.24% 2x miles when you purchase tickets from Aeromexico. 2x miles from Grocery purchases too.

1x miles for the rest of purchases.

4000 miles annually when you pay the annual fee.

15000 miles bonus when you make the first purchase.

$80 2% $10 or 4% 26.24% $5 – 3% 15.24% to 25.24%

FTF: Foreign Transaction Fee

Editor Scores for Aeromexico Visa Signature Card

Type of Card Editor Score Overall Score Total Cards
General 200 200 100
Sign-Up Bonus 201 199 44
Rewards 198 189 64
Flight 210 189 9

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Originally posted 2019-05-26 20:03:22.

U.S. Bank Secured Visa Card


U.S. Bank Secured Visa Card is a credit card for those who has bad credit score and rebuild credit score. It is also good for those who wants to build credit history. It has reasonable APR rates for balance transfers and purchases. You can see detailed information on U.S. Bank Secured Visa Card below. If you are also owning this card, you can write a review below.

Reasonable APR for Balance Transfer and Purchase

You will need to pay much interest rates with U.S. Bank Secured Visa Card. There is 21.24% rates for the card. This is quite reasonable amount for a credit builder card. You will able to get a better card after you manage to repair your credit score. The cash advance APR is 26.24% which is standard rate for U.S. Bank. However it is a little bit high.

Low Annual Fee & Penalty Fees

The annual fee of the card is $29 which is low when it is compared with other credit cards for bad credit. Late payment fee is $39 and returned payment fee is $35 for the card. There is not penalty fees for overlimit.

U.S. Bank Secured Visa Card Rates & Fees

Interest Rate (APR) Rewards ($1) Annual Fee FTF(*) Cash Advance Fee Cash Advance APR Balance Transfer Fee Balance Transfer APR
No Introductory APR


None $29 2% $10 or 4% 26,24% 3% or 5%  

No Introductory APR


FTF: Foreign Transaction Fee

U.S. Bank Secured Visa Card Editor Scores

Type of Card Editor Score Overall Score Total Cards
General 160 200 100
Credit Builder 135 127 10
For Bad Credits 144 165 10
No Credit History 148 168 10

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Originally posted 2019-05-26 09:10:24.

Credit Card Karma