BBVA has stated that they have changed their names and logos in the United States recently. The bank has also stated that they want to be a global bank of the world and they want to serve their consumers through only one bank name. The name change incident didn’t only occur in United States, this also took place in Argentina, Peru and Mexico. Additionally BBVA improved their shares in a popular Turkish bank and became the partner of a bank which is called as Garanti Bankası in Turkey. The bank name changed to Garanti BBVA.
What is BBVA Compass name in United States at the moment?
There is not much change in the company’s name. It changed to BBVA only. The company has only removed BBVA name from the company name. The bank will be known with that name at the moment.
What does BBVA mean?
BBVA is actually the shorten name of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria. Banco Bilbao Vizcaya was the first name of the bank for ages ago. Sometime later Argentaria merged into the Banco Bilbao Vizcaya and the bank started to called with shorten name with BBVA.
Name change will effect credit cards or debit cards?
The name change of BBVA compass will not effect credit cards or debit cards at all since the company didn’t change any policy for baking and credit products at all. This is only an institutive change. There is not any change on interest rates, loans, mortgages, credit cards or debit cards at the moment.
You can see some of those BBVA credit cards on our pages:
You can get more information on those credit cards in our pages.
Since the name changes took place, BBVA also changed the logo of the company in United States too.
Originally posted 2019-06-20 19:32:30.