Home Questions and Answers What is APR of Bank of York Visa Credit Card?

What is APR of Bank of York Visa Credit Card?


I think there is a visa credit card of Bank of York. I would like to go to branch to get this card. However there is not any statement of the bank about APR. There is anyone who has knowledge about rates of the card. What is APR? Do I have to pay extras for foreign transaction fees and is there any annual fee of the card?

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Hello Germaine,
Welcome to our website. Unfortunately you will not able to learn this through internet since the bank doesn’t provide any online information about APR, other rates and fees of visa credit card. You will need to contact Bank of York for this issue. If you don’t want to go to branch, you can call their customer care services with this phone number: 205-392-5205

However their bankers can still ask you for a meeting. So better if you visit the branch and ask them to rates of the card. Before you sign papers, don’t forget to look at rates, terms, etc. According to Bank of York, their card provides these features…

  • They don’t ask for annual fee.
  • Low interest rates.
  • No fee for balance transfer.

Especially no fee for balance transfer can be an awesome opportunity. We recommend you to go to the branch and get more detailed information about the card. If you can give us feedback about the card, we can also let our visitors about their card. It looks like a good credit card.

Originally posted 2020-11-16 17:23:23.


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