First Citizens Bank buy First South Bank recently with $38 million deal. Some credit card users of First South Bank are curious about the situation of credit cards… We are going to explain what will happen to First South Bank Credit Cards on here. Firstly if they even change the name of the bank, nothing will change for you. First Citizens Bank is going to keep your bank accounts in same and there won’t be any change on balances.
Any Change Will Take Place on First South Bank Credit Cards?
Besides nothing will happen to your credit card after the sale. You can go on to use your credit card as much as you can. When you renew the card, you will need to contact First Citizens Bank though. (Or First Citizens Bank doesn’t change the name of First South Bank, you will still need to contact to the same company.)
There will Be Change on Fees or Interest Rates?
Besides the rates of your credit card are not going to change. You will go on to use your credit cards with same interest rates and same fees as same as the first day you received the card. So according to laws, you will go on to use your card in same.
Can I Exchange My Card with First Citizens Bank Credit Card?
This depends on the First Citizens Bank’s terms. We recommend you to contact to the bank after the sale completely done between two companies. You are going to get more information from bankers of the company. You can see some First Citizens Bank Credit Cards on our website, you can check rates and our reviews:
First Citizens Rewards Visa Card is looking quite attractive for consumers.
Can I Apply First Citizens Bank Credit Cards after Sale of First South Bank?
You can highly likely that you will able to apply those two credit cards that we mentioned above, after the sale of First South Bank. However we still recommend you to contact banker of the company before applying those.
First Citizens Bank Credit Card Customer Care Services Phone Number: 1.888.323.4732
Have any questions? Feel free to ask us!
What is the Situation for Debit Cards
As we already explained above, there won’t be also any change at debit cards after the sale of First South Bank. Your balance is going to be same and your account is going to be safe.
Originally posted 2019-01-13 03:57:45.